Posts tagged with »GSoC«

Thrift now officially supports D!

Thrift is a cross-language serialization and RPC framework, originally developed for internal use at Facebook, and now an Apache Software Foundation project. I started implementing support for the D programming language during Google Summer of Code 2011… Read more

D/Thrift: Performance and other random things

This week, I will try to keep the post short, while still informative – I spent way too much time being unproductive due to hard to track down bugs already to be in the mood for writing up extensive ramblings. So, on to the meat of the recent changes (besides the usual little cleanup commits here and there)… Read more

D/Thrift: Non-Blocking Server, Async Client, and more

First of all, the usual apologies for publishing this post later than I originally planned to. No, seriously, drafting a solid asynchronous client implementation ended up being a lot more work than I originally anticipated, but I wanted to discuss my ideas in this… Read more

D/Thrift: Docs, Servers, Tests

Dear Reader, Let me apologize for not being terribly motivated to write a blog post right now, but I was lucky enough to catch the flu last week with temperatures between 25 °C and 35 °C outside, and while the fever has gone by now, I am still depleting my… Read more

D/Thrift: Compact, JSON protocols, performance

Another week of my Google Summer of Code project passed by, and so you are reading another status update. I am not including any core D development-related news this time, first because I didn't… Read more

D/Thrift GSoC: Growing the library

First, let me apologize for not posting an update last week – I had a busy time, but regardless I will try to let you know about the state of affairs regularly in the future. Now, what were I working on? I updated… Read more

D/Thrift GSoC: First results

The first week of my Thrift project as part of the D programming language Google Summer of Code is over, and I am happy to be able to share some first results. If you are not sure what I am talking about yet… Read more

Random D development news

During the last couple of weeks, I didn't really find time to update this blog. Nevertheless, however, I was able to spare some time for work on a couple open source projects related to the D programming language. But first, let me quickly summarize some other awesome news… Read more