KHotkeys in KDE 4.1

I just upgraded to Kubuntu 8.10 in order to have a look at shiny new KDE 4. But amongst other minor annoyances, I had real trouble getting hotkeys to work. There are configuration options in the new System Settings panel (which is a huge… Read more

Git on Windows

Just found an excellent writeup by Kyle Cordes about using Git on Windows.

KDE Konsole corruption when Compiz is active

On my laptop I’m currently running Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron). For additional eye candy goodness I am using the compiz-fusion package from the Kubuntu repositories. Surprisingly, even on the laptop hardware (Asus V1S) everything went smooth… Read more

The Tangled Working Copy Problem

There is a problem which probably about every developer using a revision control management for their hobby projects has already experienced: The annoying situation of having two or more completely unrelated changes in your working tree… Read more

Getting started with git

Recently, I decided to have a look at the revision control system Git and the »social code hosting service« GitHub, which is currently hyped in large parts of the open source community… Read more


At the moment, I am forced to use a box running Windows Vista for parts of my daily work. One thing that really annoys me about Windows is that nasty dialog asking you if you want to search the internet which pops up… Read more

File encoding in Eclipse

While coding my first Rails application in Eclipse using RadRails, I found that my HTML files were not encoded in the correct format. Although I knew… Read more

Distributing Rails Applications

I just found this little tutorial on how to package your Rails application into a neat archive for showing it to your customers. I guess it will come in quite handy for me… Read more